Reply To: Bike case to borrow or buy

Home Forums Classifieds Wanted Bike case to borrow or buy Reply To: Bike case to borrow or buy


Hi Remi!

A friend of mine is selling his travel bike case, a B&W International Bike Guard Curv.  He used this case to fly cross country for a race and besides that trip its brand new. This case gives you piece of mind when flying with your bike and is super easy to pack yourself. This case is perfect for anyone who competes in any type of competitive bike racing as it will fit a road bike, a TT bike or even a 29er mountain bike. It also comes with two wheel bags and several bags for gear that can be used for accessories and packed in the free space between the bike frame.

This is the lightest bike case on the market and is top-of-the-line. It retails for $850. He doesn’t have any races scheduled and his Fiance says its taking up too much space in their one bedroom apartment in Capitol Hill. $450 cash or best over.

His email address is Erik dot M dot Braun

Good luck on your race!
