Reply To: Cherry blossom 10 Mile


We talked about this at the Kick Off Meeting.  If you want to ‘race’ the event, then you need to adjust your schedule so that you still get in all of your key workouts (long rides, long runs, longest swim, etc) so that you can then taper down for your race.

The other option would be to use the event to work on appropriate pacing.  Instead of racing it full out, dial back the pacing one notch and see if you can pace on a HR target.  For example, for either of these ten mile races, chose a mid to high zone 3 heart rate target and see if you can execute your race on this target.  The better you can execute on a heart rate target, the better you will learn to pace during a race.

Specifically, since Cherry Blossom is at the end of a build cycle, I recommend you continue with the current schedule so you can get in the longer ride and brick run and then use the Cherry Blossom as a training opportunity by executing on a mid zone 3 heart rate target.  It’s harder than you think but will bring you great reward if you learn how to pace this way.  And you can still get in your full training cycle.  Good luck with your 10 Milers!