2018 Club Award Nominations

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    There are many worthy club members that qualify for each of these slots.  Here are just some of the names:

    Spirit of DC Tri Award: Ed Moser (club historian), Bipin Badhe (great spirit and energy), Cynthia Steele (great spirit and energy), Glenn Thomas, David Jiang (should get the award every year), Joyce Jones (great spirit and energy).

    Rookie of the Year:  Abri Nelson.

    Veteren: Tuan (trains hard and loves doughnuts), Bryan Frank, Adam Stolzberg, Courtney Benedict (and her sherpa husband Ron, who supported her training efforts).

    Club Member of the Year: Becky Auyer (trained hard, raced hard, did the Arlington Hill Ride more times with me than any other DC Tri member), Cynthia Steele (trained & raced hard, great energy and organization), Rebecca Allyn (race director, always helping out at events, trained hard, raced hard), Adam Stolzberg (trained hard, race hard, helpful mentor to others), David Jiang (he should win every year).

    Most Improved: Margaret Moral, David Payne, Danielle Worthington.


    Veteran Athlete of the Year (Male): Jeff Halper.  Jeff began participating in triathlons in 2009, but this co-lead of the MoCo Mafia quickly moved from participant to perennial fixture on the Masters Clydesdale (MC) podium.  Never one to brag about his own accomplishments, in recent years, Jeff rarely participated in a race without bringing home a MC award.  This year was no exception; Jeff was 1st MC at Diamond in the Rough OLY; 2nd at Bethany Beach; and 1st at Pleasants Landing OLY.  Way to go, Jeff!


    This is the last week we are accepting club award nominations! If you would like to nominate someone for an Award, please do so soon! Nominations made after 11:59PM Friday November 2nd will not be considered.

    The ballot for voting will go out next week. All ACTIVE members will receive an email to the address we have on file to cast their vote. If you have previously opted out of receiving emails from BallotBin, there is nothing we can do to un-“opt out” you as that would defeat the purpose of being able to opt out of something. We will post here once the ballot goes out and how you can contact us if you did not receive one.

    The club award winners will be announced at the Annual Meeting & Kona Viewing Party. Save December 1st to join us for the event!! We want to see you there!

    Kristina Baum

    Club Member of the Year – James Chu (killin’ it with the swim emails)

    Spirit of DCTC – Bipin Badhe

    Adam Schau

    DC Spirit Award – Bipin Badhe – 100%


    Posted on behalf of James Ford for Spirit of DCTri award:

    I would like to nominate Bipin Badhe not sure which of the following he sits best under, but to sum him up, he has organized loads of rides for members (Sky Line, Sugar Loaf, White ferries, W&OD, Anacostia trail), He has also organized a few swim sessions too. As a new member I got to meet other members purely through his networking.  He seemed to be watching or competing in every DC based event and is always so positive cheering people on. Lastly he always would drop me a text or a group WhatsApp encouraging people out to happy hours.


    Thank you everyone for the nominations. The nomination period is now closed. Voting will begin this coming Monday via BallotBin. All active members will receive an email to the address we have on file to cast their vote. If you have previously opted out of receiving emails from BallotBin, there is nothing we can do to un-“opt out” you as that would defeat the purpose of being able to opt out of something. We will post here once the ballot goes out and how you can contact us if you did not receive one.

    The new board members will be announced at the Annual Meeting & Kona Viewing Party. Save December 1st to join us for the event!! We want to see you there!

    Treasurer | DC Triathlon Club

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