Arlington swim meetup

Home Forums Training Swim Arlington swim meetup

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  • #26053
    Matt Beamer

    Hi all,

    I’m a member of the New to Tri program and am hoping to further refine my swim technique. Currently, I’m not the best swimmer, but I think it would be nice to meetup with someone from the DC Tri Club to schedule swim meetups at either the W & L pool or the Yorktown pool in Arlington, VA. I’m open to venturing out to other areas, but would be difficult during the week with traffic. If anyone would like to meet in the next couple of days, please let me know!

    On another note, if any of the more experienced members are good coaches or know of good coaches, I would greatly appreciate a referral!


    Matt Beamer


    Check the Swimming to Arlington post with one of the club’s ambassadors.

    Also, some good coaches are Denis Crean, James Chu, Anne Whalen McClindon….

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