Welcome to our new website! It is a work in progress. Please report any issue or concerns to president@dctriclub.org
training bike


Looking for riding buddies? Post in the member connect! Also, check out the Club Calendar for scheduled rides.
Want to start a regular group ride of your own? E-mail training@dctriclub.org to get it posted!

Weekday Bikes

Wednesday Hains Gains

Meet at the parking lot of the tennis courts at the intersection of Buckeye Dr. and Ohio Dr. at 5:45 pm with wheels up at 6 pm. Look for weather notifications on the Wednesday Hains Gains group.

This is a 3-mile loop. All skill levels are welcomed and encouraged. Minimal road experience is needed We will ride one loop together as a group and then break off into paces that are comfortable for each person. Don’t forget to join us for post-ride snacks after 7pm!

Weekend Bikes

Saturday Long Ride

This ride typically leaves Georgetown behind the bank at Wisconsin and M NW “8:30 am Oct-April (fall and winter) and 7:30 am April- Oct (spring and summer). Rides meet on a week-to-week basis – follow the Saturday morning ride group to determine if a ride is happening this weekend. All paces welcome!

All paces welcome, but riders must be self-sufficient with some road experience. Paces depend on who shows up- consider reaching out to other club members of similar pace to encourage them to join you! While we will start together and mostly regroup a couple of times throughout the ride, riders must be self-sufficient, meaning they have the route, flat kit, and fuel they need to complete their own ride.

Weekend Bike

Sunday Bike with the Vertical Swimmer

This weekly Sunday Bike is perfect for those training for an Ironman, Half Iron, or who just want to ride long distances on Sundays. The group meets in behind the bank at M and Wisconsin in Georgetown at 7:00 AM. The schedule is based on the ride lead (Tuan)’s racing schedule, approximately May to September, with distances ranging between 60-120 miles. The largest group averages 17-19 mph (route is rolling hills) but other pace groups form. Tuan emails out weekly cue sheets and updates.


Weekly Zwift Group Rides

There are organized group Zwift rides every Tuesday evening at 7 pm and Thursday mornings at 6:30 am. All levels welcome.

On Zwift, add “DCTri” to your last name and follow Kelly Lefler and Raul Fainchtein. Our avatars stick together on the platform.

Join our DCTri discord to chat with other riders (even if you’re not on Zwift!).

Upcoming Events

  • Feb 15

    Off-Season Spin

    – at
    (virtual) for paid participants in the DC Triathlon Club Off-Season Spin Program.
  • Feb 15

    Saturday Ride

    – at PNC bank
    Note: Always check the discussion of the relevant date’s ride or the most recent group posts for specific weekly…
  • Feb 22

    Off-Season Spin

    – at
    (virtual) for paid participants in the DC Triathlon Club Off-Season Spin Program.
  • Feb 22

    Saturday Ride

    – at PNC bank
    Note: Always check the discussion of the relevant date’s ride or the most recent group posts for specific weekly…
  • Mar 1

    Off-Season Spin

    – at
    (virtual) for paid participants in the DC Triathlon Club Off-Season Spin Program.
  • Mar 1

    Saturday Ride

    – at PNC bank
    Note: Always check the discussion of the relevant date’s ride or the most recent group posts for specific weekly…
  • Mar 8

    Off-Season Spin

    – at
    (virtual) for paid participants in the DC Triathlon Club Off-Season Spin Program.
  • Mar 8

    Saturday Ride

    – at PNC bank
    Note: Always check the discussion of the relevant date’s ride or the most recent group posts for specific weekly…
  • Mar 15

    Off-Season Spin

    – at
    (virtual) for paid participants in the DC Triathlon Club Off-Season Spin Program.
  • Mar 15

    Saturday Ride

    – at PNC bank
    Note: Always check the discussion of the relevant date’s ride or the most recent group posts for specific weekly…
  • Mar 22

    Off-Season Spin

    – at
    (virtual) for paid participants in the DC Triathlon Club Off-Season Spin Program.
  • Mar 22

    Saturday Ride

    – at PNC bank
    Note: Always check the discussion of the relevant date’s ride or the most recent group posts for specific weekly…