June, 2018 | BLOG: Elite Team
Liz Gilden
Liz comes from a competitive background of college Soccer, track running and swimming. After pursuing a graduate degree in Meteorology, Liz missed having teammates and decided to join the Texas....
June, 2018 | BLOG: Elite Team
Cindy Hutchings
Cindy began her triathlon career in 1987 with 2 BudLight Tri’s with a very fun group of friends. There was no training, a borrowed hybrid bike and a visit to....
June, 2018 | BLOG: Elite Team
Heather Prochnow
Heather grew up a swimmer but was introduced to triathlon in 2007. After doing a couple of sprints, she retired and went to veterinary school where she continued doing road....
June, 2018 | BLOG: Elite Team
Holli Finneren
After playing D1 soccer and trying a few months of normal college life, Holli quickly realized she needed a competitive and athletic outlet. She surprised herself with a 2nd place....
June, 2018 | BLOG: Elite Team
Joe Munchak
JOE MUNCHAK Joe came to the sport of triathlon from a background of Cross Country and Track in high school and just enough swimming in elementary school to make it....
June, 2018 | BLOG: Elite Team
John Chambers
John is dusting off the 2020 cobwebs and preparing for what will hopefully be a full 2021 race season. Look out for him on local bike trails on rainy days....
June, 2018 | BLOG: Elite Team
Justin Bauer
Justin completed his first triathlon in 2010 and joined the DC Triathlon Club the following year. He has participated in the club’s Olympic Distance, Half Ironman, and Ironman programs. Justin....
June, 2018 | BLOG: Elite Team
Kelly Lefler
Kelly tried several sports growing up before settling on swimming and running. She was nowhere near the front of the pack in either but had fun and continued to do....
June, 2018 | BLOG: Elite Team
Matt Sarge
After deciding not to go straight to the NFL following a high school football career that included 3 made field goals and one rushing attempt (for 11yds), Matt took up triathlon....
January, 2019 | BLOG: Elite Team
Jason Davidson
I spent my teenage years as a competitive track and road cyclist, culminating in a qualification for the 1992 U.S. Olympic Cycling Trials. After a long hiatus from endurance sport....
January, 2019 | BLOG: Elite Team
Connor Williams
Connor got his start in triathlon in 2014 after joining his college triathlon club as a way to meet people. As a high school swimmer and runner, triathlon was something....
January, 2019 | BLOG: Elite Team
Sophia Kaounas
Sophia first tried her hand at triathlon in 2016 by way of SavageMan’s Sprint distance triathlon in Deep Creek Lake, MD. With next to zero relevant athletic experience, she trained....
January, 2019 | BLOG: Elite Team
Leslie Knibb
I’ve been enjoying triathlons on and off for the last 30 years, having been recruited by an old boyfriend to try Mrs. T’s Pierogies’ Chicago Triathlon in 1992. Working full-time....
January, 2019 | BLOG: Elite Team
Katie Tobin
Katie came to triathlon piecemeal and through peer pressure. She swam and played water polo competitively during college, then started biking to procrastinate grad school homework. Thanks to a glass....
February, 2020 | BLOG: Elite Team
Eva Kodouskova
In 2017, Eva joined her coworkers and signed up for a sprint triathlon in Upstate New York. Without a wetsuit or bike shoes, she got on a podium and qualified....
February, 2020 | BLOG: Elite Team
Joe Shields
Joe started his triathlon career in 2016 when a work colleague got USAT Coach certified and asked Joe if he’d be his first athlete. After a couple years of knee....
December, 2020 | BLOG: Elite Team
Daniel Smith
Daniel has been racing triathlon for 5 wonderful years; his first race was the culmination of DC Tri’s 2018 New Triathlete Program: Rev3 Williamsburg. Before competing in triathlons, he played....
January, 2022 | BLOG: Elite Team
Erik Guercio
Erik has casually been running and biking most of his life and became interested in triathlons after he got bored of just biking and running all the time. He decided....
Waiver of Responsibility
By checking the box below, you agree, warrant and covenant as follows: I acknowledge that a triathlon or multisport event or training can be an extreme test of a person's physical and mental limits and carries with it the potential for death, serious injury, and property loss. I HEREBY ASSUME THE RISKS OF PARTICIPATING IN ALL DC TRIATHLON CLUB FUNCTIONS, including training, educational and social events (collectively, "Events"). I certify that I am physically fit, have sufficiently trained for participation in DC Triathlon Club Events and have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical person. I acknowledge that my statements are being accepted by the DC Triathlon Club and are being relied on by the DC Triathlon Club Organizers and the administrators in permitting me to participate in any organized Club Event. In consideration for allowing me to become a Club Member in the DC Triathlon Club and allowing me to participate in Club Events, I hereby take the following action for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns: a) I AGREE to abide by the Competitive Rules adopted by USA Triathlon, including the Medical Control Rules, as they may be amended from time to time, and I acknowledge that my Club membership may be revoked or suspended for violation of the Competitive Rules; b) I AGREE to abide by DC Triathlon Club rules and code of conduct, as they may be modified at any time and at DC Triathlon Club's sole discretion, and by the rules established for any DC Triathlon Club Event; c) I WAIVE, RELEASE, AND DISCHARGE, from any and all claims or liabilities for death, personal injury, property damage, theft or damages of any kind, which arise out of or relate to my participation in, or my traveling to and from an organized Club Event, THE FOLLOWING PERSONS OR ENTITIES: DC Triathlon Club, Club Sponsors, DC Triathlon Club volunteers, all states, cities, countries or localities in which Club functions or segments of Club functions and held, and the officers, directors, employees, representatives, and agents of any of the above; d) I AGREE NOT TO SUE any of the persons or entities mentioned above for any of the claims or liabilities that I have waived, released or discharged herein; and e) I INDEMINIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the persons or entities mentioned above from any claims made or liabilities assessed against them as a result of my actions during an organized Club function. I HEREBY AFFIRM THAT I AM EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER, I HAVE READ THIS DOCUMENT, AND I UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. If the applicant is under eighteen (18) years of age, their parent/guardian must sign this annual waiver and release form and an additional release available from the Club.