Charlie Cray

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  • #25864
    Charlie Cray

    Thanks AJ –  The “dropped elbow” was certainly something they found in my stroke. I really appreciate your suggesting the fist drill as a way to address it.

    I don’t know about others, but for me it was very eye-opening to see the underwater footage.   It’s harder to perceive what’s going on otherwise even if someone tells you or even if they iPhone record it from above water.

    And the analysis was really excellent and detailed.  More detailed than we received during my days on the swimming team.  But we didn’t have underwater recording equipment … or a lot of other things – Hell, I’m old enough to recall racing with flat starting blocks…  But okay, I won’t claim that flat starting blocks and pre-Jammer suit designs are why we weren’t as fast as swimmers are these days.  🙂

    Charlie Cray

    Thanks, Coach.  Last weekend’s clinic was great.  Really appreciated all the info, getting a chance to have swim stroke analyzed, tips on stretches for running, etc.  I’m looking forward to using the handouts and learning more this weekend.

    One question:  Should we plan to lock our bikes up while we’re not using them or will there be a room we can stash them inside?   There are limited spots in the racks outside the entrance is there another place you recommend locking up if those are full and we can’t bring the bikes inside?

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