Reply To: March 20th – Heart Rate Zone Training & Pacing Strategies Seminar

Home Forums Programs (paid participants) Half Ironman Program (HIP) for Paid Participants March 20th – Heart Rate Zone Training & Pacing Strategies Seminar Reply To: March 20th – Heart Rate Zone Training & Pacing Strategies Seminar


Yes, we discussed this in full detail last evening at our seminar. First off, you need to slow down. Proper warm up will help keep your HR contained. Then you likely need to slow down your pacing add in walk breaks as needed. It’s a process to ‘train’ your HR. Starting out easy, keeping your pace easy and walking as need will all help the process. Also consider deep breaths to help bring your HR back down.

It is unlikely that you defy science so if all other triathletes and runners can do it, I know you can too! It’s a conscious process and it definitely takes practice (sometimes frustrating practice). I will send out the recorded call in a different thread so everyone will receive it.

Keep working at it!