Reply To: Peasantman – Gear & Training advice

Kate Ayoub


In regards to clothing. For the OWS on Saturday you can wear a bathing suit under your wet suit. For the race, you CANNOT change out of your bathing suit. There aren’t private changing areas, only Ironman distance races let you fully change. You can get a pair of tri shorts (fast drying shorts with less padding than regular bike shorts) and swim in those and a sports bra. You don’t want to swim in bike shorts because the pad is not designed to dry fast. And then in transition put on a shirt. I’ve done that in the past. You can get a pair online, some bigger bike chains have them (not usually your local bike shop) or REI.


Training Oly plan: you can move the Friday swim workout to Saturday OWS clinic. The swim clinic is brief dry-land talk and then time to swim (usually between 30-45 minutes). There is also a swim race after the clinics, check the website, which will give you more swim time and race-like conditions with lots of people in the water.

And then do the 2-hour bike and 1 hour run on race day. If you are feeling under-trained or nervous then I would do the sprint. It will be good first-time race experience. It really depends on where you are with training and how confident you feel. The great this about Peasantman is you can always cheat – meaning if you start the run and realize its too much, just do one lap. You can do the same for the bike. The swim is the only one you have to decide on first – there is one large loop for the oly, a smaller one for the sprint.

Sprint: ditto – move the 20 minute swmi to Saturday (rest on Friday) and then move the bike and run to the same day. The additional swim time won’t be a problem and its good to have more open water swim experience.