Reply To: Rev3 Williamsburg training camp

Chris Jackson

From our intrepid traveler Cindy Hutchings, who is traveling out of the country and blocked from the D.C. Tri  but still thinking of the group…


Great write up Juan and thank you for sharing. I did the race last year and can add a couple observations:

Swim: To take advantage of the current, swim further from the shore. I did not last year since I wanted the shorter path and was slower than normal and fellow competitors. As for visibility, it was typical and not a “sonar” swim. I suspect closer to shore is less visible due to the bottom getting kicked up. If you want a true “sonar” swim, do a race in the Midwest in their murky waters 🙂

Bike: If you talk to a local, you will hear about the “hills”. Ha, ha in DC we call it rollers. If you do/have done the Saturday DC Tri ride, then you are ready for their “hills”.

One caution note – the half course merges back with the Olympic course towards the end. Last year there several accidents in this area. Not sure of the cause of the accidents, but pay attention. All it takes is someone fumbling with a bottle or nutrition.

Run: I have nothing to add. Be ready for the heat and humidity. That means coming off the bike hydrated in addition to staying hydrated during the run. And mentally be ready for the bridge since you get to run it 4x!

Happy training all!
