Reply To: Good luck at Patriot's HIM


Thank you for your race review! This was helpful and insightful.  Like Juan stated, congratulations on your podium spot.  This is exciting!

A couple of notes…to be honest, you shouldn’t speed through T1 (or any transition) at the cost of your HR.  So slowing down those 30 seconds are actually beneficial if you get your HR down to ward against HR drift, as well as ensure you take care of everything you need to in transition (like not forgetting your water bottle!).

Nice work racing your race when others are zooming by you.  You employed a good strategy to now allow the relay riders or others to shake you and push just a little faster than you should have.

And all of this will help if you want to do an ultra trail race.  This is when you really need to employ patience and proper pacing.  So it’s all good practice.  And yes, training on trails is a great idea.  Not only will it make you faster on asphalt, it will make you stronger because it works so many more muscles.

Great work Tiny and Mighty!  What a great cap to your season!