Reply To: Training while traveling


Thank you, Victoria, for the excellent ideas!  Your ‘general’ ideas are the most important.  You can workout while you are traveling.  However if you do not take care of yourself, when you return, that jet lag can take another few days or weeks away from you.

I was hoping the weekend would allow others to jump in on the conversation!  Everyone here has experience.  No one is a newbie.  So what do others do?  Do you just take off for the full time while you are traveling?  If not, what options do you consider?  Do you look for a hotel or accommodations that has a gym?  Do you consider taking a functional strength training program that you can do in your accommodations room?  Do you take resistance bands and, at minimum, do glut/core strengthening?  Or a dry land swimming routine?

Do you just put a big FAIL on your schedule because you are traveling? Join the conversation and share your ideas!