Reply To: Adjusting Training Schedule Questions

Kate Ayoub

Hi Denise,

You can definitely pause and then continue with the longer sets. And yes, if you feel like swimming as an area for improvement then yes feel free to add a third swim in. Don’t worry about playing catch up, look at it as a way to build more skill. The more time in the pool, the better you will become. Be sure to practice the drills outlined and any from the swim days if you were able to attend. Keep practicing! I promise if you put in the work it will get easier.

With your second question you will have to see how your body responds. Back to back rides are okay as long as your body responds well; not too tired or sore. It’s not impact oriented like the run, so back to back should be fine from an injury perspective. Doing the ride with your family and then running Saturday and doing your training ride Sunday sounds like a good plan. You can try it for a couple weeks and adjust as necessary.


Coach Kate