Reply To: Judgement call


Thank you, Charles, for sharing your insights on your race, as well as lessons learned and goals achieved!


So first off, congratulations on taking on this race in these conditions.  I think we all learned a lot about early season racing particularly with a very chilly spring.  It sounds like you managed as best as we could have hoped.

As you learned, getting off your wetsuit while wet (and racing) is very challenging.  I encourage you to practice, practice, practice.  I have seen some folks take it off in a count of 4.  Lots of practice 🙂

Getting outdoors is a must.  Now that we have spring, I encourage everyone to get outdoors and ride as much as possible.  While Trainerroad serves it’s purpose, there is no comparison to indoor riding versus outdoor riding.  And keep practicing those hills!

For the run, lots and lots of good lessons learned here.  No burning matches especially since you did attend my HR Zone Training & Pacing Seminar!  Now you know what I am talking about 🙂 . And yes, you need to practice the run/walk and be honest to it during training and racing. If not, it is not your saving grace when the wheels fall off.  It’s too late!

I shared my experience about the beeping during a race as well.  I encourage everyone to think about what alarms you have set before taking on a race.  It sounds simple but when you are mentally fatigued, a unnecessary beeping watch can be your demise.

Overall, great work Charles!  Thank you for sharing your experiences and here’s to many more!