Reply To: Open Water Swim Clinic (Nutrition & Run Performance Clinics) – May 5th

Home Forums Programs (paid participants) Half Ironman Program (HIP) for Paid Participants Open Water Swim Clinic (Nutrition & Run Performance Clinics) – May 5th Reply To: Open Water Swim Clinic (Nutrition & Run Performance Clinics) – May 5th

Lauren Pittenger

ok, so I cant really take credit for this! I actually cut one of the loops off of the bike course.

This feeds into my biggest lesson learned. Don’t take a nap too soon before the OWS practice so you can make sure you make it to test if your wet suit still fits!

Mine was a little snugger than last year and i immediately had a hard time breathing once the swim started, the kayaker wouldn’t let me hand it to them so I ended up taking my arms out and swimming the first lap with my wet suit around my waist, then spent 5 minutes on the beach between laps trying to take it off, because (of course) it got stuck on my timing chip. The swim took so much out of me due to the first lap (almost 15 minutes slower than the first lap due to the drag of my half worn wet suit). I have been struggling with my run so I was hoping that I could salvage my run by cutting the bike short.

That being said what went well- the second loop of the run (lets not talk about the first one) I finished very strong with another significant negative split.

What do I need to work on. My run. The way my legs felt the first lap with the cramps that took nearly 3 miles to leave my calves tells me i am probably not pushing my bricks or attacking enough hills.

Lets hope Williamsburg is not wet suit legal!

I will say this was my first time doing Pesantman and it was a ton of fun, will definitely sign up again next year