Reply To: Open Water Swim Clinic (Nutrition & Run Performance Clinics) – May 5th

Home Forums Programs (paid participants) Ironman Program (IMP) for Paid Participants Open Water Swim Clinic (Nutrition & Run Performance Clinics) – May 5th Reply To: Open Water Swim Clinic (Nutrition & Run Performance Clinics) – May 5th


Lessons learned

1. All I could think about on the bike was the bike-run HR seesaw. I let my HR climb into Z3 since it was a short ride, but aimed to keep it low so as not to mess with my run.

2. Need more protein on my bagel.

What went well

1. Both bike and run went well. I decided to do liquid nutrition for the whole race, again since it was so short. I kept to my 1 bottle per hour plan.

2. My run/walk ratio of 120s/30s worked perfectly.

Where do you need to work

1. Hill practice

2. Relaxing in the water more. Even though this was probably my quickest open water swim ever, I never truly relaxed/felt comfortable in the water. Second lap was definitely better than the first.

