Reply To: Goal Race: Williamsburg!


This was my first triathlon using a coached plan, and I could see the benefits even though I wasn’t thrilled with my time. I missed my goal time by 10 minutes or so which was a bummer. Nonetheless, I was calmer than in any previous race, I crushed the swim, I had a good run, and I felt great on Monday–all great things. Unfortunately, the bike is generally my best leg, and I had a comparatively poor showing. I was on a new bike, racing on it for the first time, and I think the setup did me in–that was on me.

The swim was tough with the waves–I took in a ton of water. Sighting was also tricky, and of course the current, so I was especially happy that I got out of the water feeling good. I tried really hard to nail all the swim workouts, and I believe it paid off. Really could have done without the long run on asphalt to T1, however. That was my only complaint in an otherwise really great race (this was my first with Rev3, and I think they did a great job).

When I saw 10 miles into the ride that I was well below my target speed, but my HR was creeping up, I settled in and maintained the same effort instead of trying to push. I didn’t want bad legs for the run. I credit the training for that.

I definitely drifted my HR on the run, and I had a slower second half which was disappointing, but I know that I need to work on that, and so I will. I definitely believe the constant brick training was huge–legs settled in very quickly (even with the friggin’ hill right out of T1!), and my form felt good. Next time, I would have slowed the first mile and walked a bit more to keep something in the tank for the end (in other words, I will FOLLOW THE COACHING…). Thought I had plenty of matches, but I was wrong.

I compete mostly for overall fitness, and I felt great beforehand and afterward. I was able to enjoy the race as opposed to some in the past which I have just suffered through, and I didn’t get hurt which is always the best bonus. I had high hopes for my time–even a division podium spot–and I am bummed I didn’t get there, but I do feel like I had a good race, and I think that the training program was certainly a large part of that.

Thanks, Coach AJ, and good luck to all of you working towards your goal race.