Reply To: Peasantman Accommodations


Hopefully everyone has had taken the opportunity to read about Peasantman (or talked to past participants).  If so, you know that this is a 100% volunteer lead event with 100% of the proceeds going to charity.  More specifically, the High Cloud Foundation, that provides resources to schools and orphanages in underprivileged communities worldwide. So, no, there is not a discount code.

Here is the overview of Peasantman so you can read more about the event.

We are still working on the weekend agenda since there is going to be so much packed into one weekend.  As I mentioned at the kick off meeting, we will have our open water swim clinic (small fee to cover the cost of hiring lifeguards), as well as several other free clinics including transition strategies, bike maintenance, running form and nutrition strategies on Saturday.  There will also be a long ride going out Saturday morning.

To make the weekend more family friendly, a ‘fun’ 5k and 10k have been added on Saturday in addition to the usual  non-USAT sanctioned, non-competitive sprint or Olympic distance race on Sunday.  Here is the link to register.  Please note that the DC Tri Club nor the training programs NEVER registers individuals for any races.

In conclusion, this is a weekend that is meant to offer a host of early season practice opportunities.  I challenge you to find a cheaper way to gain both road running experience (for either $20 for the 5k or $25 for the 10k) and triathlon experience (for $70) where 100% of the proceeds go to help those in need!  It is our hope that the education and experience that you receive will provide much more value than a 10% discount code.

Ask a previous participant! There is a reason why individuals return year after year….And we are always looking for volunteers if you have heart to give back as well.