Reply To: Running cadence


Fantastic feedback Jim!  Nice work diving into the your previous data and your current data to recognize opportunity (particularly if it will minimize your risk for injury, as well as provide strength and speed).


A couple of things…

  1.  Please do start with the running drills so you can go through all of the proper steps (arms, legs, combining them before ever starting out on a run).  Running in place is an excellent example of optimal running form as you strike underneath your hips and can correlate your arm swing form and cadence.
  2. Once you have a good feeling for proper running form, gradually add VERY SLOW and EASY momentum behind this form.   The key here is slow and easy (like you are shuffling).  You can only change form at a slow, easy pace.  This will also help keep your HR down.  That said, any time you take on a new activity, your HR will rise.  It’s a new activity!  As you continue to practice it, your HR will come down and correlate with your new running form.  It’s practice and time!
  3. Changing your running form can be hard on your calf muscles if they are not conditioned for this higher turnover.  Thus I recommend that you ease into practicing your running form with your warm up and cool down only.  Gradually build in more time as your calf muscles are ready a little at a time (like 1 minute per mile, etc).
  4. After each run workout, be sure to roll and stretch your calf muscles.  Use a stair and hold a calf stretch for at least 3 minutes.  Science suggests that anything less than 3+ minutes per hold is not helpful or constructive.

Thank you for sharing your experience!  Is anyone else working on their running form?