Reply To: Bike Nutrition Experiments

Ryan Vaart

This is such a great topic to talk about, and I really really really hope everyone gets out and experiments with a bunch of these options.  I’m pretty fortunate when it comes to fuel – my stomach is pretty tolerant of almost anything I jam into it.  Bananas, gels (thumbs up to Honey Stinger gels for taste, price, and ease of opening), granola bars, Powerbars (my least favorite since they have the texture of sandy taffy, if you ask me!) — they all seem to work for me.

Long training rides, I’m all about grabbing a banana and a few granola bars for the back pocket and a host of gels; for races I’m almost entirely fueled by gels (one every 30 min on the bike).  This seems to work for me in half distance races really well.  I can’t claim to have nailed my run in the full ironman distance yet, so I’m still playing with the nutrition plan, but expect it to be pretty gel-centered.
