Reply To: Half Ironman On-Bike Nutrition


For my indoor rides I’ve been doing a honey stinger waffle at ~45 minutes, taking 1-2 clif bloks every 20 minutes after that, and last week added a small handful of peanut butter pretzels in every 30 minutes or so. I’ve been drinking water and nuun, which works really well for my stomach, but nuun doesn’t have many calories so I’ll likely try osmo or try to get my hands on some gatorade endurance.

I did a lovely first outdoor long ride today but it was pretty slow going (side note: I can confirm the obvious assumption that hains point during cherry blossom season is totally nuts), and I spent most of my time in low zone 2 or 1. For each lap I either ate 2 gu bloks or a couple peanut butter pretzels which kept me well fueled though it’s less than I tended to eat indoors, and I only finished 1.5 bottles of water for the ride. I don’t feel like it was the best simulation of what my body is going to need on race day since that will be higher intensity (e.g., way sweatier and more calories burned) but it was good confirmation that my body is ok with that plan as a baseline.

My outside-ride today was also a reminder that eating and drinking while on an actual moving bike is way harder than on a stationary bike! I hope I’ll get more comfortable with it as I spend more time back on the road, but until then I need to not let the awkwardness deter me from proper hydration and nutrition.

On that note, does anyone have any recommendations for a bento box that’s easy to use while riding? I have one that requires a bit too much fumbling for comfort.