Reply To: Master Swim Program Present Swim Video Analysis

Katie SB

Yes!  But similarly only figured it out later…  oops.

I found the clinic really useful – initial feedback was that I do a 1980s/90s-style S-shaped pull (I remember learning this as – make the “Z” for Zorro), which is not the thing to do now – turns out it should be straight back.  I’m also often finishing my stroke too early and kicking too much from the knee, rather than the hip.   On the plus side, my hips are up and my body’s in a decent position.

So plenty of homework to get stuck into, and looking forward to getting more detailed feedback when they load the videos later this week.  I did catch-up and superman drills this morning, focusing on not being Zorro, and am hoping to get along to MSP at UDC on Wednesday morning.

Would highly recommend this clinic when the next one comes around, and would definitely be keen to do another one, to hopefully see some improvement, whenever it can be organised.

PS – I’m sure you all already know this, but just in case, let me pass on another rookie mistake I discovered I’ve been making – kicking with the pull buoy.  A kind man pointed this out on Sunday and I realised I’d been doing it wrong all along – I’d been making little kicks, when I should have been pointing my toes and just focusing on the strokes.  So another lesson learned!