Reply To: Half Ironman On-Bike Nutrition


I have this one, which I mostly bought so I could see my phone easily at stoplights to help me navigate while using my bike to get around the city (which it totally works for):|404_172618|1126370001|none|2590178f-97ca-4528-8e22-3a1cc45d609c|pla-450163725300&lsft=cm_mmc:PLA_Google_LIA|404_172618|1126370001|none|2590178f-97ca-4528-8e22-3a1cc45d609c&kclid=2590178f-97ca-4528-8e22-3a1cc45d609c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7b3IhrO14QIVUT0MCh2rTQF6EAYYASABEgIphfD_BwE

However, opening and closing it while riding is kind of awkward. I don’t like that it has a bulky flip-open top that tends flop around. The top is secured using velcro, and it’s tough to line up the velcro strips exactly to keep it closed while I’m on the move. It’s also pretty shallow, so when it’s open I worry that things will bounce out.