Reply To: Long Ride Options


Oh that’s a great suggestion! I’ll have to try PWF.

I really like Greenbelt.   It’s super close (to me) and has some solid hills.  On Weekdays, there are very few cars.  I can’t speak for weekends.

I’ve been struggling for motivation for my long ride this week, so yesterday I took my mountain bike out and rode 6 hours on the C&O Canal.  Not only did I see so much wildlife, but there’s no cars.  You cross a parking lot a few times, but it was empty once you ride north of Great Falls.  It’s best done on a gravel or mountain bike.  I won’t do many (or any) more long rides on my mountain bike, but breaking up the routes and terrain is super helpful for my brain – which can at times be less than helpful!

Anyone interested in any of these rides? I’m thinking about some of these. I’m happy to carpool.  I can fit another bike in my van, and more if I ever put the bike rack back on!

May 18:

June 22:

June 21-26 (or 24-26):

June 29:

