
I, for one, would love to see some club-friendly faces at the finish line when I cross! I volunteered at EMan one year at the finish line and had a blast. It’s a fun location to be as the music is pumping, there’s lots of energy, you get to see the professionals finish, and unless they changed the transition setup, you also get to see the runners heading out onto the run course so an additional time to cheer them on.

I am working with Hugh Harris to bring the club tents, chairs, food, coolers, etc. to the finish line area at Eagleman for club members (whether racing or volunteering) to use. So when you’re waiting for your volunteer duties or after you’re done, you’ll have a place to hang out and relax and chat with other club members! And Hugh is a great club member who will make sure you are all welcome at the club tent and have everything that you need!
