Reply To: Goal Race: Eagleman


I’m taking a huge sigh of relief that it’s not slated to be sunny and 90 degrees. Mostly, I was pretty worried about over or under hydrating since I didn’t get a good feel for super-hot/humid temps on my long rides. But, I definitely have lots of experience riding when the weather is cloudy and low/mid 70s! The water temps look pretty warm so I probably won’t wear a wetsuit (assuming this is the right link which I’m ok with. I think it’s also supposed to be breezy, which may not be great for the bike, so I’m lowering my speed expectations for that segment accordingly!

At this point I feel pretty ready…I did my race plan (featuring goals like “don’t get too competitive or too discouraged when people pass me on the bike; race my own race”) and I am confident that the past 5 months of training have prepared me well for the race. I just have to remember that the stakes aren’t high, so spending a few minutes in a porta-potty or walking a part of the run I didn’t intend to is ok–it’s still more than I could have accomplished a few months ago.