Reply To: Training for your next triathlon

Kate Ayoub

Hi Chelsey!

A couple of thoughts:

  • Take an easy week the week after race week (working out but a “recovery week”). And then, depending on how your body feels, start building again (adding time/distance).
  • You could definitely start from week 8 of the Oly training plan. You may need to adjust after your holiday to ramp up a little slower. From an “injury risk” standpoint, running weekly mileage is where you want to be careful. If you take 2-3 weeks off from running, you will need to build up slowly. But if you can keep your weekly mileage similar then you should be fine.
  • Hiking is great cross-training, listen to your body if you are doing runs on your vacation. After long hikes, your body may just need to rest.