Reply To: Good Luck Racers?


Fantastic feedback Ryan!  You aren’t kidding.  If you are in this sport long enough, you need to find some of the small wins to keep you going.  This is why I always recommend having 2 other non-time, pace or place goals heading into a race.  Then when things don’t go as planned or you don’t secure that PR, you have other ‘wins’ making all of your blood, sweat (and maybe even tears) worth it!

By the way, I have experienced almost every situation that Ryan spoke through too!  And still probably my most memorable race experience didn’t even have anything to do with my finish.  Standing at the finish line at midnight of my first Ironman when the 90 year old nun crossed the finish line, then the cancer survivor, the amputee, etc, I still get chills thinking about it.

Being part of an amazing community that supports each other and cheering on others that are working against the odds or pushing their own boundaries, that’s what has kept me going all of these years…I couldn’t even tell you my finish time!