Reply To: Travel / Training Advice


More great ideas from Jason!  Great way to immerse yourself in your new location by joining in on a running group!

As a quick additional to Jason’s recommendations, if you are going to be missing a key long bike workout, if possible, see if you can adjust your long ride to your recovery week (if before or after) so you are gradually progressing and not missing an important key workout.  If you are repeating the time/distance (for example: 2 hour ride), then it’s not as vital.  However if it is the first time you are hitting this distance, see if you can adjust to accommodate it outside of your vacation time.  Just be sure to keep this adjusted long bike effort completely in zone 2.   If you can align your vacation time with a recovery week, this would be preferred 🙂

Last but not least, it is not recommended that you do any significant bike efforts on a bike unfit for you.  Thus if you want to do an easy spin to shake out your legs (60 minutes or under) with NO elevated HR efforts, this is acceptable (as long as you listen to your body).  However be careful doing much more than this on a bike you are not fit for.

Bring on more!  What other options do others employ when you travel? Great discussion!