Reply To: Master Swim – Interested?


More great feedback from Jorge!  I swim with DCRP and it is all elite, Division 1 swimmers.  After 10+ years swimming with them, I have gotten over swimming in the ‘triathlete’ lane (ie the slowest!) 🙂 That said, pool (competition) swimming can be different from triathlon swimming.  So don’t be afraid to consider a master’s swim group if its convenient.  However just remember that you could be getting some conflicting feedback if you do ask the coach on deck for feedback.  Kicking is a very common example.  Competition swimmers have a very different kick than triathletes.  They do a 200 IM and are finished.  Triathletes must get out of the water and bike and run 😉

That said, this discussion is perfect timing because March 8 and 15 will afford you the opportunity to receive feedback from the DC Tri Club’s Master’s coaches if you attend the clinics.  So here is a gentle nudge to pack your swim gear!  See you Sunday (and remember daylight’s saving time)!