Reply To: Mid Season Check In

Brian Lee

Overall, I think my training is going well. Not having to commute to and from work has really helped me get each of the workouts in!

At the beginning of all of this, I was doing a good job of substituting strength workouts for the swims. As the weeks go by though, I can definitely tell my motivation to do longer strength workouts is waning. Kind of difficult to stay motivated during each of the workouts.

My biggest issue though is making myself go outdoors for my bike rides. If the weather doesn’t discourage me, its hard to get out for a ride when there are so many other bikers/runners/walkers on the trails here in Arlington. Avoiding people has proven difficult. A couple of weeks ago, I forced myself to take off a random Wednesday and drove almost 40 min outside of the area to find some quiet roads, but I can’t do that each time. So if anyone has any recommendations for quiet areas in and around Arlington, I’d appreciate it!