Reply To: Virtual Race?

Romain Taravella

Hi! Missed this msg before. How did it go Julia?

I also had a practice race on the agenda for yesterday myself and indeed… I learned a lot. Good news: I did it and today I have sore legs but I am not injured. It feels good. Now the things I need to improve: first, for some reason I was unable to get my heart rate (and power) high enough on the bike, so I will be particularly focusing on the bike trainings during the coming months. The run was OK, ended up being harder than I expected I guess, because I started too fast (I was feeling good after the bike) and I had only completed the 13.1miles distance once before the race (an injury a few months ago forced me to reduce mileage and focus on a better form). I did the swim on a trainer, not perfect but it was just much easier logistics-wise. Nutrition: went well, but now I realize how much fast sugar I need to put in my stomach for the race, it is a lot. Preparation: I think I didn’t rest enough the past 2 weeks as I should have, doing quite a lot of things outside of the 3 sports, and going to bed too late.

Quick question for you AJ: how does usually the come back to training after an HIM distance race look like? I was thinking of taking 3 days completely off, then the rest of the week super easy (no running, light and short biking and a bit of swimming), and be back on track in a week/ten days depending on how I feel?
