Reply To: Virtual or Practice Race?

Ryan Vaart

Coach — As you put it, this HAS been an “unusual” season…  I’m headed into some brief doldrums, as I should be packing my bags for IM Switzerland right now — looks like that will have to wait until next year 🙁

That said, I’ve been contemplating an impromptu and informal training camp — pandemic/travel conditions pending — up to Lake Placid at the end of August/start of September.  I was thinking about taking about a week, doing some biking/running/swimming (the lake is always open and great; and I’d love to do the ride/climb up to the peak of Whiteface), and perhaps a 70.3 on the IMLP course.  I’d contemplate doing the full 140.6, but that just seems a bit crazy without a real reason for it… but maybe someone here can talk me into it.  Hiking one or more of the 46 peaks in the area is also a fun challenge.

Anyway, if others would be interested in happening to be up there around the same time, let me know.
