Reply To: 2020 Successes and Learnings


Awesome feedback Nick!  Finishing up over 650 running miles in 2.5 months, I can attest to the success (or demise) of not staying consistent with strength training.  So here’s is your motivation to keep it up! That said, remember that it’s HOW you do the exercises that matter than what you do.  Engage your core first, then engage your gluts, then do your exercise.  Ensure that you are keeping both engaged throughout the full range of motion.  If you lose either engagement, stop, start the process again and then start again.  This is how you engage the vital neuromuscular system (and not just strength the ‘muscular’ which will lead to reinjury as soon as you starting using it again).

And while getting a new bike is exciting (congrats!!), we also know it takes a whole lot of time to get fit, feel comfortable and get efficient on it (including being able to fill your water bottles while on the move, right Megan!?).  This is a perfect season to gain undertake this process and get really good at it!

Finally, if there is any silver lining of this time, we should all be thankful that we do have a healthy, therapeutic outlet.  These are some long days these days and without motivation to get out of the door and enjoying something outside of your living room, they are even longer days.  Glad that training has provided sanity for you during this time.  Hopefully we can all add this to our list of ‘successes and learnings.’

Way to make the most of your season Nick!