Reply To: Congrats and Post-Race Questions

David Eng

Sleepy is normal and there’s probably a scientific answer, but I think your body is just exhausted after working out for 2+ hours and getting up early to set up transition and wait for the race to start. But taking in electrolytes doesn’t hurt.  I do not recommend driving home on your own right after Jamestown.  Either take a 1 hour nap or sleep overnight, and drive back to DC the next day, if that’s an option.

Wetsuit strippers are a Peasantman special.  They have them in full Ironman races, but not shorter distances.

For OWS, we included lots of tips in the Week 15 newsletter.  Practice as much in open water as you can.  I like going to Sandy Point State Park (1 hour drive away) and practicing there.  National Harbor is closer and you can bike there on the Mt. Vernon Trail towards Alexandria and cross over the bridge.  In the pool, practice the sighting drill, and practice holding your breath for 4, 5, 6, or 7 strokes to develop lung capacity. It will take a minimum of 3 times to get comfortable in open water.
