Reply To: Good luck at Augusta and Giant Acorn


I did Augusta last weekend, the race was fun and hot. It was for me a late start, Augusta is a big race, 26 waves with the first one starting at 7:30 am and mine at 9:04 am.

The swim is in the Savannah river, no wetsuit legal but you swim with the current which makes fast. Faster than expected I was out of the water in 37 min

The bike is fairly flat, with long and fake flats and not much shade. It was a hot and humid day with an average temperature of 81 and a max of 88. I had 2 bottles of infinit and 1 of water and refilled water in the second aid station and some gatorade in the 3rd one. I followed my nutrition as planned, I eat potatoes on the bike, but I will start moving to other type of nutrition as I have to eat too many potatoes and carry them on the bike which makes it not very convenient

My HRM was not working properly so I was following mostly RPE to pace myself.

I was done with the bike in 3:17.

Hot hot hot, average temperature 92. My strategy was to make it to the next aid station to cool down with ice and water. I was running 8minutes and walking 2minutes. I was tempted to not follow the walk/run because a lot of people were passing me, at the end I passed some of them by the end of the run. I was don in 2h32

Total time 6h37min (2min faster than last year jajaja)

Got some  lessons:
1-) i lost part of my nutrition and salt pills during the bike. Next time I will separate for the bike and run independently
2-) i will get a new heart rate. My zones were high all time, but I wasn’t feeling like dying so I think it is a mix of improvement and bad hr monitor
3-) more open water practice.

Next challenge: full IM lake placid

Thanks you AJ for your help and ready to start working together