Reply To: 2018/2019 Board of Directors Nominations

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Imagine you are 42 and taking your first swim lesson while your kids stand on deck yelling “Streamline, Mommy, STREEEEEAMLINE!”  Fast forward 7 years and you are crossing the finish line of your second Ironman of the year with your kids standing on the sideline yelling, “Go Mom, GOOOOOOOO!”  And with that you’d have my triathlon career in a nutshell.

My name is Joyce Jones.  I’m nominating myself for the 2018/2019 DC Tri Club Board of Directors.  And I’m asking for your consideration and your vote.

I joined DCTC in 2010, as many of us do, as an NTPer – curious, a bit intimidated, and cautiously excited.  With each passing year, triathlon, the Club, and its people became more important to my life.  In 2012, I banded together with an incredible group of D.C. Tri folks who live and train in Montgomery County and the (infamous) MoCo Mafia was formed.  In 2015, we were officially recognized as a Club Community Group and I’ve been a co-leader of the group ever since, moderating our MoCo Mafia and Friends FB page and organizing group rides and runs for an ever-growing group of MoCo-area triathletes.  As this 49 y.o., middle-of-the-pack, single mom can attest, there truly is a place for everyone in this Club and I want to continue and strengthen that core value.

I credit the Club with introducing me to life-long friends and instilling in me a passion for a sport that I never would have considered possible for a doggy paddler and person whose last bike had a banana seat and streamers.  In the Mafia, we like to stay that “Tri years are like dog years,” and if that’s the case, I’ve benefited from being a member of the D.C. Tri Club for 49 years; it’s time for me to give back.  I hope you’ll elect me to serve you on the Board of Directors and give me that chance.

Thank you and Let’s Go D.C. Tri!
