Reply To: 2018/2019 Board of Directors Nominations

Home Forums News Club Management 2018/2019 Board of Directors Nominations Reply To: 2018/2019 Board of Directors Nominations


Hi Clubbers!

I’m Patrick Pannett, the Club’s director of gear. Having been a member for a few years, and working with the programs team on the IM and HIM programs, I stepped up last year to fill a hole on the board as the director of events, putting a number of meetings and happy hours together, before filling a different need and transitioning to be director of gear.

Over the past few months, we’ve worked hard to streamline the new and renewing member process and partnered extensively with our vendor and fulfillment house to make sure everything is being shipped out quickly and efficiently. As you may have seen, we’re working on new and improved branded gear options so you have all the kit you could want for training, race day, and social.

My personal racing in tris and runs has taken a backseat to working through physical issues, but plan to be back in action during 2017.

I’m excited to have the potential to continue working with existing and new board members to keep advancing the DC Tri Club as one of the finest triathlon clubs in the nation.

Please reach out if you have questions about gear or regarding my candidacy – your feedback is critical to making our gear and branding resonate among one another and in the community.
