Reply To: Club Sponsored Races?

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If you’re talking about the club training races that we put on for our members, then the calendar is continually forming, but the first half of the year is set with the upcoming Splash & Dash this weekend, the duathlons in April, and the training triathlon in June. You can find the list here: 2018 Club Races.

If you’re talking about the club featured races where we try to focus our club membership toward a set of area races, we are shying away from that this year. We found that we were choosing poorly in where the club wanted to go, so we are hoping to make it more a more organic process this year where we let the membership choose and then encourage someone to step up and contact the Board and help us get the club tents and refreshments to the race. The more people who select ATTEND on the Races page for the various area races, then we will know better where our members want to go and can make efforts to get the tent/refreshments to the events. [If you don’t see an area race on the list, then please email to get it added!] As Bear Triathlon is the Mid-East Club Regional Club Championship, then we will definitely have the club tents and refreshments at this event!
