Reply To: 2018 Club Award Nominations

Home Forums News Club Management 2018 Club Award Nominations Reply To: 2018 Club Award Nominations

  • Brady Nelson Memorial* Spirit of DC Tri (cheers everyone on, wears DCTri, etc.; essentially the DCTriClub mascot) – Joyce Jones
  • Club Member of the Year – Margaret Moral – she’s just always smiling 🙂
  • Most Improved – Angela Norcross – steady and consistent.  From a 15+ hour IM 2 years ago to a sub-14 this year for her second.   David Payne – I’m just amazing at the leaps and bounds of improvement everytime this guy races.
  • Veteran Athlete of the Year – Sarah Karpinski – Sarah and I did our first IM together in 2012 and since then I’ve watched her improve and chase her dream to the Big Island and absolutely never ever give up.  She has been so close for a few years now and I’m so happy that she gets to experience Kona this year.  Justin Bauer- He’s really put the work in over the years and has excelled at distances from sprint to Ironman.   He had some great short course races this year and earned himself a spot to ITU Worlds in 2019.