Reply To: Clinic Day – March 15 CANCELLED


Thanks for wrestling with this — seems like the right decision, however unfortunate it is.

One thing I had been looking forward to was the running clinic to get feedback on my higher cadence-altered form. The good news is I have been running injury-free, even as my mileage has increased.  But the high cadence still feels (and likely looks) awkward during warm-up, while overall, my pace seems to be slower. If that’s the price to pay for avoiding injury, it’s worth it, but maybe there’s a next step I need to get to in the process of  learning higher cadence running? If others are still working through this, might be a worthwhile topic for the forum.

My plan is to do the long run Sunday starting on the W&OD trail in south Arlington Sunday; open to having others join.  I can’t predict right now  what time I’ll be able to get on the bike on Saturday, but can’t do an early ride.