Reply To: 2021 DC Triathlon Club Award Nominations

Home Forums News Club Management 2021 DC Triathlon Club Award Nominations Reply To: 2021 DC Triathlon Club Award Nominations


Yay to John Sener for doing his first triathlon! We also had a number of people that self-trained since there was no NTP this year and I would like to nominate Charles Taylor for RoTY Male who I think did three triathlon races including Luray and Cal Tri DC!

We had a number people doing their first half at Ironman Maine 70.3. In particular, Chelsey Berlin and Jonathan Deng who had never run a half marathon before. That’s a good time as any! I would like to nominate them for most improved female and male.

I would also like to nominate Cindy Hutchings for veteran female. After numerous postponements and deferrals, she finally got to do her first Ironman this year and she killed it, qualifying twice for Kona, particularly at a challenging Ironman Coeur d’Alene where a number of folks dropped out from the heat and then later at Ironman Maryland where she was falsely DQ for missing a swim turn and had to plead her case with the referees by showing her watch data–an Ironman in itself!