Reply To: 2021 DC Triathlon Club Award Nominations

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Brady Nelson – Kelly Lefler. She goes way above and beyond for DCTri, goes to countless races to cheer everyone on, and always has an encouraging word when seen on the race course.

Club Member – Bryan Frank. I mean let’s be honest, name one person that has done more for this club than Bryan.

Rookie Male – Brian Lee. Dude pushed himself to entirely new limits this year and despite moving out of town stayed dialed in to all things DCTri.

Veteran Male – Jeff Halper. He makes us all look bad with his DCTri badassery. He is a phenomenal community group leader and excellent ambassador for the club. He makes everyone feel included and even picks you up in the middle of nowhere when you need to be taken to the ER after a bike wreck. Or is that just me?

Veteran Female – Joyce Jones. She’s old. Like real old. But still beats me all the time. She gives so much of herself and is always supporting club events.