Reply To: 2024-2024 Board Elections

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Rebecca Na

Greetings, I’m Rebecca Na, and I’ve been an active member of DCTriClub since 2022, thanks to my involvement with the NTP program. My journey with this community has been incredibly rewarding, both in terms of personal growth and the friendships I’ve developed.

My experience with NTP in 2022 was truly fantastic, and it motivated me to give back by volunteering for NTP in 2023. Witnessing the determination of individuals to reach their goals and make a positive impact in their own lives and the lives of others has been truly inspiring.

I’m excited to express my interest in the position of Director of Communications. I’m passionate about elevating our social media presence in 2024 and deeply committed to ensuring that every member and individual connected to this club feels recognized and part of a community that matters. My intention is to contribute in various capacities, primarily by working behind the scenes.

While I do have specific deadlines and limitations, I assure you that I will communicate them in a considerate and understanding manner. If the club is open to having me on their board, it would be a tremendous honor, and I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to make a meaningful and positive impact. I also look forward to learning from the experience of other board members who have been doing this and enjoying their roles within the team.