2021 Sunday Bike Ride With The Veritical Swimmer

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    The 14th year edition of the Sunday Bike Ride with the Vertical Swimmer commences April 11, 2021. Meeting spot is GTown … Wisconsin and M Street, in the bank’s parking lot. Drop me an email if you are interested in joining. All paces are welcome. The ride will clip at 7 AM, sharp. Show up at 7:01 and you’ll be alone.

    Here are the things to know about the ride.

    1. It’s a drop ride. Don’t expect that anyone will wait for you or to wait for anyone, so bring a friend. All skills and abilities are highly encouraged to come. The goal is to have enough pace groups out there so that no one has to ride alone. We have folks of various abilities so natural paces and group will form.

    2. I will send out cue sheets every week. You can ride the entire distance or turn back early. That’s your call. We get folks of all levels out there, so don’t be shy or intimidated to come out. A lot of people do not ride the entire distance.

    3. Road bikes, Tri bikes, and unicycles are welcome

    4. Typical pace varies from week to week, depending on who shows up. The biggest group will be people who ride around my pace. If you can hold a 19-20 mph pace at the IM distance, you will have people to ride with every week. We won’t be averaging that pace for the entire ride … mostly because the hills out in the boonies are wicked. Expect extremely slow speed around the hills and a little bit more spectacular on the flats. We typically average around 18, if not a bit slower. Again, depending on who shows up.


    number55555 at yahoo dot com


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