Swimming in Arlington

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  • #26045
    Abrianna Nelson

    I generally swim at Washington-Lee and Yorktown, depending on the day and the time; occasionally I will also swim at Providence RECenter in Falls Church or Spring Hill RECenter in McLean, and sometimes I take field trips to other pools in DC or MD. Let’s try to split a lane! See the end of this thread for my latest workout.

    Abrianna Nelson

    I will be at Washington-Lee on Wed, Apr 24, at the early hour of 5:30 AM. W-L tends to be popular in the mornings, so I will try to be on deck around 5:20/5:25 to find a lane. I will be swimming 2400 yards with a mix of pulling, drills, and speed work and will have a DC Tri water bottle and a black swim cap.

    Caitlin Joyce

    I’ll join you! I need a swim on Wednesday.

    Abrianna Nelson

    Great! See you on deck.

    Abrianna Nelson

    On Thursday, May 16, I plan to swim at W-L around 2:00 PM. Let me know if you want to join! I have a kick set as well as 20×50, totaling 2200 yards.

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