Reply To: Washington- Lee HS Arlington Wed Morning Track workout 2017 season

Home Forums Training Run Washington- Lee HS Arlington Wed Morning Track workout 2017 season Reply To: Washington- Lee HS Arlington Wed Morning Track workout 2017 season

Kyoko Kawai

Wed. Morning (5/24) track workout.

Coach Jule will be there.  Also we are providing track workout fundamentals to NTP and other track beginners.  (please meet me at 6:10am at the track)

6 am individual workout
6:15am group workout meet us at the corner toward N. Stafford st. and Washington Blvd. on the track.

Workout:7 min. at 15K pace, 3 min active recovery, 7 mins. at 10 K pace, 3 mins. active recovery, 7 mins at 5 K pace.