Reply To: 2018/2019 Board of Directors Nominations

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My name is Allison Nordberg and I’m nominating myself for the 2018/2019 Board of Directors.  I stumbled upon DC Tri Club after seeing tri bikes all over my neighborhood during the Nation’s expo. Thanks to Google, I found my way to Nation’s Tri, DC Tri Club and NTP.

I joined DC Tri Club in 2012 and immediately signed up for NTP.  Despite living in DC for several years, NTP finally helped me find my people, and I jumped in with both feet.  After graduating NTP, I returned as a Co-Leader for the 2013 and 2014 seasons to give back to the program and to the club.  I then stepped into the Program Lead role for the 2015 and 2016 seasons and gained a whole new perspective of what it takes to keep the club running smoothly.  In those 4 years, over 700 first-time triathletes register for the program, and I loved meeting many of them and sharing their enthusiasm for a new sport and lifestyle. In addition to my involvement in NTP, I’ve volunteered, participated in most of the programs the club offers, including the new Women for Tri program, and was named Club Member of the Year in 2016.

Even after 5 years with the club, I still have more to pay forward, and that is why I’m asking for your consideration.  I would like to join the board to give back to the club in a new way and help others find their people.