Reply To: Weekly Saturday Bike Ride

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8/5 Ride:
The weather is looking super nice this weekend (hope I didn’t jinx it! 🤞🤞🤞). Hopefully there will be a great group heading out from Georgetown.
If you want venture outside of DC on Saturday, I’m heading out to do the Mt. Weather/Blue Mountain loop. It’s a 69 mile loop with two big ascents. Marshall VA is about 45 minutes from DC out I-66 (Exit 28).
Meetup point address:
4133 Rectortown Rd, Marshall, VA 20115
Clip-in Time: 8:00AM
Alternative: there is an alternative option to a 55 mile loop that hits Mt. Weather and then Naked Mountain (avoids one of the major ascents). The two routes ride together for first 35 miles. Route here: (start point is off slightly).