2019 Club Award Nominations

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    It is that time of the year. Triathlon race season is winding down and we start to look back over the course of the year. At our races. At the friends we made. At the fun that we have had. Every year at the club’s Annual Meeting & Kona Viewing Party, we give out some fun awards to our members nominated and voted on by their teammates! Put on your thinking cap and reflect back over the year to gather your nominees!

    We are now accepting nominations for the following awards for the 2019 year:

    • Brady Nelson Memorial* Spirit of DC Tri (cheers everyone on, wears DC Tri, etc.; essentially the DC Tri Club mascot)
    • Club Member of the Year (someone who represents the Club as a whole)
    • Most Improved (male AND female)
    • Rookie of the Year (male AND female) (their first year doing triathlon)
    • Veteran Athlete of the Year (male AND female) (not their first year doing triathlon)

    If you would like to nominate someone for one of these categories, please do so below. This is an open nomination process, so yes, it is public. Nominees must be current Club members. The nominees will be included on the ballot with the Board of Directors elections and the winners will be announced at the Annual Meeting & Kona Viewing Party on a date to be announced. Please submit all nominations by 11:59 pm on Friday November 1st.

    We ask that you, please nominate people for discrete categories. And yes, people can be nominated for multiple categories (though nominating someone for both rookie and veteran might be a bit questionable).

    Happy Club Award Nomination Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

    President | DC Triathlon Club

    *If you would like to learn more about Brady Nelson and why we are honoring him with a memorial award, please visit this Facebook link and read the comments: Brady Nelson Memorium»


    My nominations are as follows:

    Brady Nelson – Joyce Jones

    Member of the Year – Heather Prochnow

    Most Improved – Jorge Alvarez and Angela Norcross

    Rookie – Lauren Kett

    Veteran – Kyle Washburn and Kelly Leftler

    Sam Cretcher

    Member of the year: Bryan do-it-all Frank

    Rookie of the year: Jules Bilowich (female)

    Veteran of the year: David Jiang, Cindy Hutchings

    Juliana Bilowich

    Rookie: Chelsey Berlin

    Veteran: Kyoko Kawai and Michael Schipp

    Nick Waldrup

    My nominees:

    Brady Nelson: Kyoko Kawai

    Rookie (F): Jules Bilowich

    Veteran: Cindy Hutchings

    • Brady Nelson: James Chu
    • Club Member of the Year: Michael Shipp
    • Most Improved: Jorge Alvarez and Kate Ahrens
    • Veteran Athlete of the Year: Courtney Benedict and Hugh Harris
    Michael Shipp

    Member of the year: Kelly Leftler

    Rookie of the year: Jules Bilowich (Female), Brian Lee (Male)

    Most Improved: Daniela Ochoa Diaz (Female), Sam Cretcher (Male)

    Veteran of the year: Daniela Ochoa Diaz (Female), Billy Mathis (James Chu)

    Juene Rader

    Brady- David Jiang


    So many awesome nominations coming in! Keep them coming! There are still 2 more weeks of the nomination period to go!


    Veteran male:  Jeff Halper

    Veteran female:  Carol Braun


    Brady Nelson – Kelly Lefler, always with a smile, cheer and cowbell

    Member – Bryan Frank, does all the jobs when no one else volunteers

    Rookie – Jules Bilowich, wins a clock first race

    Veteran – John Chambers, just shows up and goes at any distance

    Veteran – Courtney Benedict, KONA!!! After 10 years of trying



    Brady Nelson – Kelly Lefler – always supportive, and something positive to say when she’s cheering.  As an athlete she’s putting in the work and helping others put in the work everyday.

    Member – Courtney Benedict – it was such a gift to share the course in Kona with this woman.  And to share our energy with each other as we saw one another on the Queen K.  She’s been a long time member of the club, an outstanding athlete, and an even more amazing person.

    Most Improved – Angela Norcross: There’s no ego with Angela, just quiet confidence and realistic goals.  She puts in the work and come race day executes as planned.  It’s so fun watching her grow and improve as an athlete.

    Most Improved – Sam Cretcher – I met Sam when he was just starting with his coach.  He’s grown leaps and bounds since then and it’s so fun seeing him improve (on Strava from 1/2 way around the world).

    Veteran – Matt Sarge – He never ceases to amaze me.

    Veteran – Heather Prochnow – she’e everything you’d want in a teammate, friend, athlete, etc.  She stopped her own race at IM Ireland to save my race (and my blown sidewall).  “What you are speaks so loudly, that what you say need not be heard.”


    Adding several to the hallowed names above:

    Spirit: Abri Nelson, NOVA’s ambassadoress

    Member of Year: Mark Raugust, long-time NTP chief wrapped up long-time Wilson track workouts


    As an aside, among the year’s notable events were the Elite Team’s fine sports socials, Ron Benedict’s winter spins, Kate Ayoub, David Jiang, Adriana Anderson, & Tuan Nguyen’s PeasantMan Tri, & Alisson Nordberg’s Gtown bric-nic.

    The best area endurance performers in the three tri legs included:

    Running, Mike Wardian, 10 sub-3 marathons in 10 days, the last at Hains Pt accompanied by some clubbers

    Biking, Bryan Frank, David Jiang biking to SavageMan weekend.

    Swimming, club partner Denis Crean swimming from Chain Bridge to Mt. Vernon

    And a Goat (not G.O.A.T.): The city’s Park Dept., for missing its two-year deadine to reconstruct the Hains Pt. pool


    • <b>Brady Nelson Memorial* Spirit of DC Tri</b> (cheers everyone on, wears DC Tri, etc.; essentially the DC Tri Club mascot) Ed Moser Biggest onLine advocate of club activities always shows up wearing the same DCTC kit
    • <b>Club Member of the Year</b> (someone who represents the Club as a whole) David Jiang at EVERY DCTCevent I go to with an welcoming smile
    • <b>Rookie of the Year</b> (male AND female) (their first year doing triathlon) Brian Lee
    • <b>Veteran Athlete of the Year</b> (male AND female) (not their first year) Amanda Mellilo

    Last Day for nominations! Give a shout out to your friends and nominate them by the end of the day!!

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